Beautiful Designs
for interior and exterior
Sue has been in the interior design field for 40 years and brings a plethora of design experience spanning 4 decades. Having watched styles come and go, Sue tries to keep her projects current while incorporating timeless details which can withstand the various trends in the design world.
Sue and her husband, Larry, have lived in Winter Park, Colorado for 25 years. Larry was a partner in a large building firm for 13 years before founding Steffen Builders West, Inc. in 2010. Together they have built and designed hundreds of homes in Grand County including 3 of their own. At the end of 2020, they sold the business to their children, and now are focusing on a simpler life divided between Maui and Colorado.
As equal partners in Steffen Design Consulting, Inc., they continue to work together on projects of their choice. While no longer a general contractor, Larry’s decades of experience in consulting and project management offer another dimension to Steffen Design.